
/ˈkäzmik/ adjective

inconceivably vast


/ˈalkəməst/ noun

a person who transforms or creates
something through a seemingly
magical process.

Experience the magic of alchemized
products created by Victoria Triana
and the world of enchantment.

Alchemized Products that Transform And Awaken Your Super Beingness Through Fun and Play

Welcome To The World of Enchantment...

I am Victoria Triana – Ambassador to the Inner Earth Realm, Portal Keeper, and Transchannel of Quantum Light Language and Sacred
Geometric Codes.

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My mission and purpose is in raising up the inner child through fun and play in shifting realities, activating your DNA, and opening portals to other realms that bring your multi-dimensionality to earth.

By co-creating harmoniously with the elemental realm, our ancient Atlantean and Lemurian ancestors were able to access and embody their profound super beingness.

Embedding divination tools with specific frequencies creates portals and light language codes for access to other timelines and dimensions to use for manifestation potentials.

In creating divination tools for a sacred purpose, it animates and brings its natural consciousness, the essence of its soul to the surface.

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This magical method has been brought back by Victoria through her alchemized products.

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Each divination tool is handmade, customized and alchemized through sacred ritual and the elemental hands of light. This time commitment allows for a limited number of available products each month.

Have Fun Using A Card Deck!

Allow your spirit guides to select the alchemized product that serves you best in this now moment.

Did you know that the frequency of joy, fun and play match the frequency of God or Source?

And that holding onto this frequency for long periods of time is the key to manifestation?

Utilizing divination tools or products that have been alchemized to the joy frequency will help you in opening doors to the things you wish to manifest and live in a world of bliss.

Liquid Body Purification

Your guides are suggesting a full body fluid purification. This purification allows for emotional mastery which is the greatest step forward to your Ascension process.

Soul Fragment Retrieval

Your guides want you to know that when you came to earth, aspects of your soul remained in the multi-dimensional realms. It is now time to retrieve these soul fragments for further expansion of your personal light quotient.

DNA Blueprint Alignment

Your guides say it is time for a DNA Alignment or upgrade. These codes expand your consciousness, elevate your ascension and connect you to the healing energies of the dragons.

Cosmic Connection

Your guides want you to know that you are never alone. You are eternally surrounded, supported and loved by your Galactic Family. All you have to do is acknowledge their presence and reach out to the stars.

Fountain of Youth

Your guides think it’s time for you to remember your immortality. The God flame or spark that resides in your heart is eternal. Death and aging is an illusional belief that you can release. It is possible to turn back time and rejuvenate.

Crystalline Gridwork

The guides say this card is the most enchanting card of the deck. It brings in the energy of the “in between worlds.” Connecting with nature is one way to do this. Making it fun and playful is key to opening up to this realm.

Multi-dimensionality Access

You are being guided to access your unlimited potential – the part of you that knows you are All That Is. It’s time to tap into the truth of who you are and the truths of the universe by navigating your multi-dimensionality.

Infused Sun Codes

Your guides are suggesting that you spend more time in the sun. The sun’s rays emit diamond plasmic codes that elevate and activate your DNA. The sun is intelligent energy that can be utilized in your everyday life.

Water Harmonics

This message from the guides is about water. Drink it, swim in it, bathe in it. Water holds memory and you can tap into this knowledge. It’s also time for you to start drinking more purified water to help with detoxification.

Wearable Ocean Energy

Did you know that when you combine silver, a highly conductive connector with the energy of the ocean it creates an instant bridge to the higher realms? Your guides think it’s time to connect!

Third Eye Awakening

Your guides say you are ready for your third eye awakening. This opens your psychic abilities such as a heightened sense of intuition, clarity of thought and increased awareness. Activating your pineal gland is key to this process and Ancient Egyptian secrets will be revealed!